Akbar Indomakmur Stimec Tbk (AIMS)

Perdagangan, Jasa dan Investasi


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Biden Aims to Head off Growing Democratic Opposition to Re-election Bid

Representative Hillary Scholten from the swing state of Michigan joined that chorus on Thursday.

China Food Security Law Comes Into Force, Aims for Absolute Self-Sufficiency

Passed just six months after its first reading, the rush to adopt the food security law reflects China's.

Garuda Metalindo (BOLT) Aims for Sales Target of IDR 1.7 Trillion

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Martina Berto (MBTO) Aims for Sales of IDR 525 Billion in 2024

PT Martina Berto Tbk (MBTO) is optimistic the cosmetics business prospects can still grow positively in 2024. 

Royaltama (RMKO) Aims for Revenue of IDR 380 Billion This Year

RMKO has budgeted a capital expenditure (capex) of IDR 28 billion.

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